Singaporean Mandarin Database
This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.
Malaysia-Singapore Second Link
Malaysia-Singapore Second Link
横跨柔佛海峡的一座大桥,坐落于新加坡的大士(Tuas)和马来西亚柔佛州西南部振林山(Gelang Patah)的丹戎古邦(Tanjong Kupang)之间。简称第二通道。
A bridge that spans the Strait of Johor and connects Tuas in Singapore to Tanjong Kupang, Gelang Patah in southwestern Johor, Malaysia. Also known as Second Link.
- 新马第二通道意译自英语“Malaysia-Singapore Second Link”或“Singapore’s Second Link with Johor”。
- 这座公路大桥全长1.918公里,宽30.1公尺, 1.768公里的桥身在马来西亚水域,0.701公里桥身在新加坡水域。大桥双向行驶,各有三条车道。
- 第二通道是于1994年3月22日,由新加坡国家发展部代部长林勋强和马来西亚工程部长拿督廖莫(Dato Leo Moggie),于马来西亚吉隆坡签约建立。大桥于1994年10月动工,1998年1月2日上午10时通车,1998年4月18日进行开幕礼,新加坡总理吴作栋和马来西亚首相马哈迪(Mahathir) 出席了开幕礼。
- 兴建第二通道的原因是为了解决兀兰关卡(Woodlands Checkpoint, 又称第一通道、新柔长堤)交通拥挤的问题。
- 第二通道对离境和抵境的车辆收取通行费。通行初期,在繁忙时段离境或抵境时,重型车辆需缴付12元,货车和小型卡车需缴付6元,汽车则需缴付2.50元。目前,在繁忙时段,重型车辆需缴付11.30元,货车和小型卡车需缴付5.6元,汽车则需缴付2.10元。
- The Mandarin term “新马第二通道” is a paraphrase of the English term “Malaysia-Singapore Second Link” or “Singapore’s Second Link with Johor”.
- The dual-three lane bridge is 1.918 km long and 30.1 m wide. 1.768 km of the bridge runs over Malaysian waters while 0.701 km of the bridge crosses Singapore waters.
- The agreement to construct the Second Link was signed in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 22 March 1994 by then Singapore’s Acting Minister of National Development Lim Hng Kiang and Malaysia's Minister for Works Dato Leo Moggie. Construction of the bridge began in October 1994 and it was open to traffic at 10 am on 2 January 1998. An opening ceremony was held on 18 April 1998, which was attended by Goh Chok Tong (then Prime Minister of Singapore) and Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad (then Malaysian Prime Minister)
- The Second Link was constructed to address the problem of traffic congestion at the Woodlands Checkpoint (also known as “the Causeway”).
- Singapore began collecting tolls from motorists departing from and arriving in Singapore via the Second Link. When the tolls were first imposed, heavy vehicles entering and leaving during peak hours had to pay a toll of $12 each way. The rate for vans and small lorries was $6, while the rate for cars was $2.50. Currently, the peak hour rate is $11.30 for heavy vehicles, $5.60 for vans and small lorries, and $2.10 for cars.
Singapore and Malaysia announced the removal of toll charges for motorcycles at the Second Link, which is undoubtedly good news for motorcyclists travelling between the two countries. The news was welcomed by motorcyclists, but there were worries that it would result in increased traffic at the Second Link. (Lianhe Zaobao, 2/1/2019)