Singaporean Mandarin Database

This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.







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”新加坡人对 “cash” 、“credit card” 、“country club membership” 、“condominium” 以及 “car” 这五种物质追求的统称。也称 “五C”、“新加坡梦”。



An umbrella term for the five material pursuits of cash, credit card, country club membership, condominium, and car by Singaporeans. Also known in Mandarin as “五C” or “新加坡梦”.

  • 5C 最初原指五个以英文字母 “C” 开头的单词,即现金(cash)、信用卡(credit card)、俱乐部会员证(country club membership)、公寓(condominium)以及汽车(car)。也有一说指其中一个“C”为职业(career)。
  • “5C” 一词及上述五个对应的指称于 1990 年代形成,反映了当时人们生活中的五种主要的物质追求。因此,5C 在当时也称之为 “新加坡梦”(Singapore Dream)。
  • 时任总理的吴作栋于 1994 年的 “新加坡杰出青年奖”(Singapore Youth Award)颁奖礼上提出了 5C 的概念,并用于鼓励年轻人努力奋斗、积极向上。
  • 作为当时社会文化的一部分,人们常用 5C 定义一个人的社会经济地位及其社会阶级。当时的女性也希望能找到拥有 5C 的伴侣。
  • 1996 年 7 月 14 日,时任新闻及艺术部(Ministry of Information and the Arts)部长杨荣文在人民行动党(People's Action Party)的时事座谈会上提出了一组新的 5C 。新的 5C 落实到精神及价值观的层面,即品德 “character”、礼仪 “courtesy”、社区精神 “community”、 奉献 “commitment” 及文化 “culture”。他认为早前的 5C 应与新的 5C 互相配合,使新加坡成为一个 “阴阳调和” 的社会,在外在物质和内在精神方面取得平衡。
  • 2010 年,时任国务资政的吴作栋认为在当今社会里,国人不应只追求物质上的 5C 。他鼓励国人追求良好事业 “career”、生儿育女 “children”、舒适生活 “comfort”、富有善心 “charitable” 及关怀他人 “considerate”。以上这五项称之为 “新5C”。
  • The Mandarin term “五C” originally refers to five words that start with the English letter “C”, namely cash, credit card, country club membership, condominium, and car. There is also a belief that one of the “C”s referred to career.
  • The term “5Cs” and its five corresponding references were established in the 1990s, reflecting the five main material pursuits in people’s life at the time. Therefore, the 5Cs were also known as the “Singapore Dream” then.
  • Then Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong proposed the concept of the 5Cs at the 1994 Singapore Youth Award ceremony to encourage youths to work hard and seek growth.
  • As part of the social culture at that time, the 5Cs were commonly used to define a person’s socioeconomic status and social class. Women in those days also hoped to find a partner who had the 5Cs.
  • On 14 July 1996, then Minister of Information and the Arts George Yeo proposed a new set of 5Cs at the People’s Action Party’s current affairs forum. The new 5Cs focused on spirit and values, and were namely: character, courtesy, community, commitment and culture. He believed that the old and new 5Cs should complement each other to make Singapore a holistic “yin and yang society”, achieving balance between external material goals and internal spiritual needs.
  • In 2010, then Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong believed that in a contemporary society, Singaporeans should not only pursue the material 5Cs. He encouraged Singaporeans to pursue the new 5Cs, namely career, children, comfort, charitable, and considerate.
旧 5C 只能填充人们的外在生活,但内心依然是空虚的,即使拥有旧 5C 的全部,也不能带来内心充实和社会安宁。 (《联合早报》,25/8/2010)
The old 5Cs can only fulfil people’s material needs, but they remain spiritually unfulfilled. Even if people possessed all the old 5Cs, it cannot provide inner fulfilment or bring peace to the society. (Lianhe Zaobao, 25/8/2010)