Singaporean Mandarin Database
This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.
village (colloquially known as kampung)
village (colloquially known as kampung)
Photo courtesy of S.Abdul Majeed & Co, Penang
- 乡村,郊区,乡下,聚落(名词)。
- 形容乡间的,土生土长的事物(形容词)。
Noun , Adjective
- Village, countryside (noun)
- To describe something that has originated from the village or countryside. (Adjective)
- 甘榜是马来语 kampung 的音译。
- 1822年,莱佛士委任市镇委员会监督市镇的规划,并且规定甘榜应该给各别族群和行业群居住。
- 这类住屋建筑,原本是早期新加坡人们居住的地方,但因为新加坡的城市规划,原本根据不同族群建设的甘榜大部分已消失。建于1956年的罗弄万国(Kampung Lorong Buangkok)目前是新加坡本岛仅存的甘榜。
- The term is the transliteration of the Malay word kampung, which means village.
- In 1822, Sir Stamford Raffles appointed a Town Committee to oversee the planning of the city and instructed that kampungs should be open to people of all races and occupations.
- Kampungs were where many Singaporeans lived in the early days. However, with urbanisation and resettlement, kampungs have all but disappeared. Kampung Lorong Buangkok, built in 1956, is the last remaining kampung on Singapore’s mainland.
Wild dogs were sighted along the park connector near Kampung Lorong Buangkok. The residents nearby were accustomed to seeing these dogs, and considered them an integral part of the kampung landscape. However, visitors expressed their concern over the possibility of the dogs attacking passers-by, as the park connector attracts many users. (Lianhe Wanbao, 10/3/2019)
- “甘榜”除了指相对于市区的郊区,也指不同族群的聚落,如马来甘榜、华人甘榜等。
- 相对于人工饲养的家禽或种植的水果,被冠以“甘榜”的动植物强调其自然生长,比如甘榜鸡、甘榜榴梿等。
- 甘榜居民守望相助的人情世故也被称为“甘榜精神”。
- “Kampung” can also refer to areas where certain communities congregate, for example a “Malay kampung” or a “Chinese kampung”.
- The term is also applied to naturally cultivated produce, for example “kampung chickens” or “kampung durians”, as opposed to commercially produced varieties.
- “Kampung spirit” refers to neighbourly acts of watching over one another and offering help in times of need.