Singaporean Mandarin Database
This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.
Special Assistance Plan (SAP) school
Special Assistance Plan (SAP) school
Schools that provide high quality education with a focus on bilingual learning.
- 特别辅助计划(Special Assistance Plan)于 1979 年推出,目的是保留并栽培拥有双语能力的学生。在特别辅助计划下,教育部将九所华校中学(圣公会中学、公教中学、华侨中学、中正中学总校、德明政府中学、海星中学、南洋女子中学、立化中学、圣尼各拉女校)列为 “特选学校”。在 2000 年与 2012 年则有另外两所中学(南华中学、南侨中学)被选为特选中学。
- 1989 年,10 所小学(包括与特选中学附属的学校:圣尼格拉女校(小学部)、海星中学(附小)、公教中学(附小)),以及爱同学校、南洋小学、南华小学、菩提学校、公立培群学校、万慈学校、道南学校)也被选为特选小学。1992 年,特选小学总数再增 5 所(圣婴小学、宏文学校、光华学校、培华长老会小学、培青学校),总数 15 所。
- Special Assistance Plan (SAP) Schools were first introduced in 1979 to nurture students with bilingual aptitudes. Under the SAP scheme, the Ministry of Education (MOE) designated 9 Chinese secondary schools (Anglican High School, Catholic High School, Hwa Chong Institution, Chung Cheng High School (Main), Dunman High School, Maris Stella High School, Nanyang Girls’ High School, River Valley High School and St Nicholas Girls’ School) as “SAP Schools”. Between 2000 and 2012, two additional schools (Nan Hua High School and Nan Chiau High School) were selected as SAP schools
- In 1989, ten primary schools (including primary schools affiliated to SAP secondary schools: St Nicholas Girls’ School (Primary section), Maris Stella High School (Primary), Catholic High School (Primary)), Ai Tong School, Nanyang Primary School, Nan Hua Primary School, Maha Bodhi School, Pei Chun Public School, Red Swastika School and Tao Nan School) were chosen to be SAP primary schools. In 1992, five additional schools (Holy Innocents Primary School, Hong Wen School, Kong Hwa School, Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School, Poi Ching School) were added to the list, bringing the total number to 15 schools.
In 2017, under the guidance of the former Director-General of Education, Ministry of Education, Madam Ho Ping, all 26 SAP schools worked together to map the strategy workplan based on the transformation of the education landscape. (Lianhe Zaobao, 25/2/2019)
- 特选小学包括:爱同学校、宏文学校、圣婴小学、菩提学校、南华小学、南洋小学、万慈学校、圣尼格拉女校(小学部)、道南学校、公立培群学校、培华长老会小学、海星中学(附小) 、公教中学(附小) 、光华学校、培青学校。
- 特选中学包括:圣公会中学、公教中学、圣尼各拉女校、中正中学 (总校) 、德明政府中学、华侨中学、海星中学、南侨中学、南华中学、南洋女子中学校、立化中学。
- SAP Primary Schools include: Ai Tong School, Hong Wen School, Holy Innocents Primary School, Maha Bodhi School, Nan Hua Primary School, Nanyang Primary School, Red Swastika School, St Nicholas Girls’ School (Primary section), Tao Nan School, Pei Chun Public School, Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School, Maris Stella High School (affiliated primary), Catholic High School (affiliated primary), Kong Hwa School and Poi Ching School.
- SAP Secondary Schools include: Anglican High School, Catholic High School, St Nicholas Girls’ School, Chung Cheng High School (Main), Dunman High School, Hwa Chong Institution, Maris Stella High School, Nan Chiau High School, Nan Hua High School, Nanyang Girls’ High School and River Valley High School.