Singaporean Mandarin Database
This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.
Singapore National Pledge
Singapore National Pledge
Photo courtesy of Goh Rhy Yan on Unsplash
A way for Singapore citizens to swear allegiance to the country.
- 1964年七月发生的种族冲突,使新加坡建国先驱将追求“民族与宗教的和谐”作为最重要的建国原则之一,这也是新加坡国家信约产生的历史背景。1966年,建国元勋拉惹勒南(S. Rajaratnam)对新加坡国家信约(Singapore National Pledge)的起草做出了重大的贡献。信约抱有“一个国民、一个新加坡”(one united people in Singapore)的愿景。草拟的信约呈递给当时的官员和时任总理李光耀修饰,再呈给内阁通过。信约正式成为新加坡国民身份认同与国家精神的象征。
- 除了英语,人们也可使用其他三个官方语言诵念信约。
- 新加坡的华文国家信约为:我们是新加坡公民,誓愿不分种族、言语、宗教,团结一致,建设公正平等的民主社会,并为实现国家之幸福、繁荣与进步,共同努力。
- 如今,诵念信约已经成为新加坡公民尤其是学生和军人日常活动的一个重要组成部分。
- The racial conflicts that took place in July 1964 motivated Singapore to set the pursuit of “harmony among ethnic and religious groups” as one of the most important principles of nation-building. In 1966, S. Rajaratnam, one of Singapore’s pioneering leaders, contributed significantly to the drafting of the National Pledge that embraced the vision of “one united people”. The Pledge was revised by Ministry
officials and then Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew before submission to the Cabinet for approval. The pledge became a symbol of Singaporeans’ national identity and spirit.
- The National Pledge can be recited in all four of Singapore’s official languages (English, Mandarin, Malay and Tamil).
- The Singapore National Pledge in English is as follows: “We, the citizens of Singapore, pledge ourselves as one united people, regardless of race, language or religion, to build a democratic society based on justice and equality so as to achieve happiness, prosperity and progress for our nation.”
- Today, reciting the pledge has become an important part in the daily life of many Singapore citizens, especially students and National Servicemen.
1959年12月3日是新加坡自治邦首任元首就职的日子,新加坡也在当天推出邦旗、邦徽和邦歌。新加坡1965年独立后,它们升格为国旗、国徽和国歌。其他的“国家象征”(national symbols)如信约(新加坡国家信约)、国花、“狮头标志”等也陆续诞生。(《联合早报》, 2/12/2019)
3 December 1959 was the day the first President of the self-governing state of Singapore took office. On the same day, the state flag, state emblem and state anthem were unveiled. After Singapore became independent in 1965, these were elevated to become the national flag, national coat of arms and national anthem. Other national symbols, such as the national pledge, national flower and Merlion symbol, were introduced soon after. (Lianhe Zaobao, 2/12/2019)