Singaporean Mandarin Database
This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.
Singapore Kindness Movement
Singapore Kindness Movement
A campaign aimed at encouraging graciousness among Singaporeans in their daily lives.
- 英语“Singapore Kindness Movement”的意译。
- 新加坡行善运动于 1997 年发起,主要是响应时任总理吴作栋所提出的让新加坡在 21 世纪时迈向一个优雅社会的呼吁。
- 行善运动的宗旨是为了鼓励新加坡人通过日常简单的行善举动致力于行善,促进人们对于行善的公共意识,从而提升人们整体的品行与责任感。
- 新加坡行善运动由新加坡行善运动理事会管理,理事会成员均来自教育机构或私人组织,当中就包括了新加坡妇女组织理事会(Singapore Council of Women's Organisations)。
- 新加坡行善运动的官方吉祥物是行善狮子新雅(Singa The Kindness Lion)。
- 2012年3月,行善展览馆(Kindness Gallery)正式开幕,访客可通过展示品与相关的叙述学习良好品行。
- The Mandarin term “新加坡行善运动” is a paraphrase of the English term “Singapore Kindness Movement”.
- The Singapore Kindness Movement was initiated in 1997 in response to then Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong’s call for the creation of a gracious society as Singapore moves towards the 21st century.
- The movement aims to encourage Singaporeans to perform simple acts of kindness in their daily lives, promote public awareness of doing good, thereby raising standards of behaviour and responsibility among the people.
- The movement is managed by the Singapore Kindness Movement Council, whose members comprise personnel from the education and private sectors like the Singapore Council of Women’s Organisations.
- Singa The Kindness Lion was the official mascot for the campaign.
- The Kindness Gallery was officially opened in March 2012, allowing visitors to learn about positive behaviour through the exhibits and related narratives.
农历新年近在眼前,为了给久居他乡的客工带来一个温暖的节日,新加坡行善运动(Singapore Kindness Movement)派出了爱心美食车来到商业区。(《联合早报》,5/1/2017)
With Chinese New Year approaching, the Singapore Kindness Movement would like to bring the festive cheer to migrant workers. They set up a food truck at the Central Business District to raise funds. (Lianhe Zaobao, 5/1/2017)