Singaporean Mandarin Database
This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.
Singapore Changi Airport
An airport located on the eastern coast of Singapore. Abbreviated as “樟宜机场” in Mandarin.
- 新加坡樟宜国际机场因位于樟宜(Changi)地区而得名。
- 1942 年日本南侵新加坡之际,樟宜兵营继英军投降后被改建成了监狱。日军占领时期,日军利用俘获的兵士在樟宜建造机场。
- 英军在二战结束后返新,扩建了机场。英军最终撤军,遂于 1971 年 12 月 5 日把樟宜机场移交给新加坡政府管理。
- 新加坡政府接管机场后,于 1975 年 6 月重启樟宜机场的建设工作。
- 樟宜机场于 1981 年 7 月 1 日正式运作。如今,新加坡樟宜机场是世界上最著名的机场之一。
- 樟宜机场目前有四个航站楼。
- 在不到 50 年的时间内,来访樟宜机场的旅客从每年的 800 万人次增长到 6,000 多万人次,而机场也获得超过 590 项荣誉。
- 2019 年落成的星耀樟宜(Jewel Changi Airport),也成为了游客必到的景点之一。星耀樟宜的 “雨漩涡”(Rain Vortex)是世界最大型的室内瀑布,有 40 米高。
- Changi Airport is named after its location in the Changi area.
- In 1942, when the Japanese invaded Singapore, Changi Barracks was converted into a prison following the surrender of the British troops. During the Japanese occupation, the Japanese Army had prisoners of war (POWs) build the airport at Changi.
- The British Army returned to Singapore at the end of the Second World War and expanded the airport. The British eventually withdrew its military and Changi Airport was handed over to the Singapore Government on 5 December 1971.
- The Singapore Government took over the airport and resumed construction of Changi Airport in June 1975.
- Changi Airport became fully operational on 1 July 1981. Today, it is one of the world's most famous airports.
- Changi Airport currently has four terminals.
- In less than 50 years, the annual number of visitors to Changi Airport has grown from 8 million to over 60 million. It has also received over 590 accolades.
- Completed in 2019, Jewel Changi Airport has also become a must-see attraction for visitors. The Rain Vortex at Jewel Changi stands at 40 metres high and is the world's largest indoor waterfall.
新加坡樟宜国际机场昨日成为世界最先为搭客提供廉价互联网国际电话设施的机场之一。(《联合早报》, 1/12/2005)
Yesterday, Changi Airport became one of the first airports in the world to offer low-cost international telephone services over the internet to passengers. (Lianhe Zaobao, 1/12/2005)
- 樟宜机场一直被评为世界上最好的机场,既高效又舒适。以樟宜机场为家的新加坡航空(Singapore International Airlines (SIA))也是世界最佳的航空公司之一。
- Changi Airport is consistently ranked as the best airport in the world for its efficiency and comfort. Singapore International Airlines (SIA), which is based at Changi Airport, is also one of the world's best airlines.