Singaporean Mandarin Database

This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.




Peranakan Chinese



Communities / Organisations

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Peranakan Chinese

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Photo courtesy of National Archives of Singapore


Communities / Organisations






Peranakan Chinese are the descendants of early Chinese immigrants who intermarried with the local indigenous people. They are mainly found in Melaka and Penang in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia.

  • 土生华人结合了华人的传统习俗和土族文化,也受到西方文化的熏陶,多数的土生华人会说几种语言,有些甚至可以在不同的语言与文化中自由切换。
  • 郑和下西洋时期,广东与福建的中国人迁居到东南亚并与当地土族通婚,生下后代。男性后裔称“峇峇”(Baba),女性后裔称“娘惹”(Nyonya)。
  • 1819年,新加坡成为自由港口,吸引了大批马六甲土生华人迁移到此生活。在新加坡,大部分的土生华人是马六甲土生华人的后代。
  • 19世纪中期,土生华人渐渐西化,开始讲英语、接受西方文化、信奉基督等,和英国人关系较亲密。
  • 从1891年开始,中国新移民人数超过土生华人。为了提高社会地位,土生华人开始注重中华文化,学习华文、华文文学、儒家思想等,因此他们拥有中英双语能力,一些土生华人也成为了华社的领袖,如陈若锦、林文庆等。
  • 1899年,土生华人建立新加坡华人女子学校,娘惹开始在此接受教育,成为首批接受正规教育和英语教育的女性。

  • Peranakan Chinese culture is not only a blend of traditional Chinese customs and indigenous culture, but is also influenced by Western culture. Many Peranakans can speak two languages or more, and are able to switch easily between different languages and cultures.
  • During the period of Zheng He’s great voyages, Chinese migrants from the provinces of Guangdong and Fujian moved to Southeast Asia, where they intermarried and established families with the local indigenous people. Their male descendants are known as “Baba”, while their female descendants are known as “Nyonya”.
  • When Singapore became a free port in 1819, it attracted a large number of Peranakan Chinese from Melaka, who came to live in Singapore. Most Peranakan Chinese in Singapore have ancestors who came from Melaka.
  • In the mid-19th century, Peranakan Chinese gradually became Westernised. Many started to speak English, accept Western culture, convert to Christianity, and develop close ties with the British.
  • From 1891, the number of new Chinese immigrants started to exceed that of Peranakan Chinese. In order to improve their social status, some Peranakan Chinese began to focus more on Chinese culture and started learning the Chinese language, Chinese literature and Confucianism. As a result, they became effectively bilingual in Chinese and English. Some Peranakan Chinese such as Tan Jiak Kim and Lim Boon Keng become leaders in Singapore’s Chinese community.
  • The Singapore Chinese Girls’ School was established by Peranakan Chinese in 1899. Nyonyas began to receive their education here and became the first group of local girls to receive formal education in English.

峇峇与娘惹是海峡华人或土生华人的统称,一般认为是早期的中国移民与南洋一带土著婚配的后代,因此其传统习俗与服饰都保留了许多中国早期的信仰与生活特色。(《联合晚报》, 25/11/2019)
The Straits Chinese or Peranakan Chinese are collectively known as Babas and Nyonyas. They are generally considered to be the descendants of early Chinese immigrants and indigenous peoples in Nanyang (literally, “South Seas”). Their traditional customs and clothing still reflect many beliefs and unique habits of the early Chinese settlers. (Lianhe Wanbao, 25/11/2019)

  • 《马来纪年》记载了有关土生华人起源的传说:15世纪,明朝公主汉丽宝远嫁满刺加(如今的马六甲),与苏丹满速沙(Sultan Mansur Shah)成亲。五百大臣之子和五百宫娥作为陪嫁。这五百大臣之子和当地贵族通婚,其后代成为土生华人。



  • A legend regarding the origins of the Peranakan Chinese is recorded in the Sejarah Melayu, or Malay Annals. In the 15th century, Princess Hang Li Po of the Ming dynasty in China was sent to present-day Melaka to marry Sultan Mansur Shah. She brought with her the sons of 500 ministers and 500 palace maids as dowry. The ministers’ sons intermarried with local nobility, and their descendants became the Peranakan Chinese.
