Singaporean Mandarin Database

This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.


kueh tutu



Food / Plants

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kueh tutu

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Photo by Jackytanbp / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0


Food / Plants






A traditional cake in Singapore, made of steamed rice flour with fillings.

  • 有一种说法认为嘟嘟糕和印度美食“putu mayam”有相同的根源,都来自印度南部。
  • 另有一种说法认为嘟嘟糕是在1930年代由一位祖籍中国福建省的移民陈永发在新加坡研发出来的。据说,陈永发当时在街头摆摊售卖福建松糕,但之后接触了椰子、花生等本地食材而受到启发将福建松糕进行改造,成功将松糕与本地美食文化结合。
  • 嘟嘟糕是一道价廉物美的糕点,在1960至1970年代间,新加坡的大街小巷都时常可见到售卖嘟嘟糕的摊贩。
  • 要制作好吃的嘟嘟糕,饼皮与馅料的成分需要拿捏得非常准确。
  • 制作嘟嘟糕首先得将米粉填满模具的一半,然后根据喜好加入花生碎、椰子等馅料,接着用米粉填满模具,压紧后盖上一层纱布放入特制的蒸屉蒸煮。最后,摊贩得将蒸熟的嘟嘟糕盛在一片斑兰叶上,除了增添香味,也能方便进食。
  • 嘟嘟糕的外形为一朵菊花形状。有说法认为这是因为当时陈永发喜欢与友人一起饮用菊花茶,因此便将嘟嘟糕的形状设计成一朵菊花。
  • 关于嘟嘟糕名称的由来主要有两种说法。第一是因为在制作过程中,初期使用火炭的蒸锅在蒸煮过程中会发出“嘟嘟”声。第二是因为嘟嘟糕和一道马来糕点 putu piring 相似,因此将 putu 音译为“嘟嘟”来指 称这道华族糕点。
  • It is believed that kueh tutu, along with the Indian dish putu mayam, originated from southern India.
  • Another belief is that kueh tutu was created in Singapore in the 1930s by a Chinese immigrant from Fujian province by the name of Tan Yong Fa. Tan started out selling Hokkien sponge cakes on the streets, but after learning about local ingredients such as coconut and peanut, he was inspired to transform the Hokkien sponge cake and successfully integrated it with local food culture.
  • Kueh tutu is an inexpensive and delicious cake, frequently sold by stall vendors in the streets and alleys of Singapore in the 1960s and 1970s.
  • To make delicious kueh tutu, the proportion of the skin and fillings must be precisely determined.
  • To make kueh tutu, half of the mould is filled with rice flour. Crushed peanuts, coconut or other fillings are then added according to one’s preference. The mould is then topped up with rice flour, pressed tightly, covered with a layer of gauze, and placed in a steamer. Finally, the steamed kueh tutu is served on a piece of pandan leaf, which adds fragrance and makes it easier to handle.
  • Kueh tutu is shaped like a chrysanthemum. Tan Yong Fa apparently enjoyed drinking chrysanthemum tea with his friends, so he designed kueh tutu in this form.
  • There are a few possible explanations for the origin of the name of kueh tutu. One is that in the early days, charcoal was used in the steaming 
    process, which caused the steamer to produce a “tu tu” sound. The second is that kueh tutu looks like putu piring, a Malay cake, and the Malay term putu was transliterated as “嘟嘟” (“tutu”) to refer to the Chinese counterpart.
Kueh tutu sold at Tan’s stall include original (without filling), coconut and crushed peanuts. Recently, a new chocolate flavour was added in hopes of attracting the younger crowd. (Lianhe Zaobao, 9/1/2021)