Singaporean Mandarin Database
This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.
Jade Emperor (colloquially known as ti gong)
Jade Emperor (colloquially known as ti gong)
The colloquial name of the Jade Emperor.
- 在华人民间神话传说和小说中,玉皇大帝被视为天界的最高主宰,掌控天地万物生长与衰亡。
- 根据民间传说,农历正月初九当天,福建沿海地区有一年遭海盗掠夺,人民因躲入甘蔗林而幸免于难。因此,当地的百姓便在农历正月初九用甘蔗来祭拜天公,表达对天公的感谢。
- 19 世纪时期,随着福建沿海地区的先民南迁到新加坡,他们的传统文化习俗也一同南来,而其中也包括了对天公的信奉以及拜天公的仪式。
- 至今,许多新加坡福建人仍然非常注重正月初九的拜天公仪式,许多庙宇每年也都会举行大规模的祭祀活动。
- In Chinese mythology and literature, the Jade Emperor is regarded as the supreme ruler of heaven, controlling the life and death of all living things.
- According to folklore, one year on the ninth day of the first lunar month, the coastal areas of Fujian were plundered by pirates and the residents survived by hiding in sugarcane plantations. Hence, the locals use sugarcane to worship the Jade Emperor on that day every year to express their gratitude.
- In the 19th century, Chinese immigrants who travelled south from the coastal areas to Singapore brought with them their traditional culture and customs, including their faith in and worship rituals for the Jade Emperor.
- Till today, many Hokkiens in Singapore continue to attach great importance to the worship ceremony on the ninth day of the first lunar month, with many temples holding large-scale worship activities every year.
农历正月初九是玉皇大帝寿诞,对福建人而言,庆祝天公诞比过年还盛大。(《联合早报》, 23/2/2018)
The birthday of the Jade Emperor falls on the ninth day of the first lunar month. For the Hokkiens, the celebration for the Jade Emperor’s birthday is even more significant than that for Lunar New Year. (Lianhe Zaobao, 23/2/2018)
- 拜天公的祭祀活动可以在庙宇举办,也可以在自家举行。除了在农历正月初九,福建人一般也会在临近结婚的大喜之日时拜天公。
- The Jade Emperor worship ceremony can be held in a temple or at home. In addition to the ninth day of the first lunar month, the Hokkiens also pray to the Jade Emperor as their wedding day approaches.