Singaporean Mandarin Database
This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.
Integrated Programme (IP)
Integrated Programme (IP)
Photo courtesy of Ministry of Education, Singapore
为期六年的中学与初级学院课程,修读的学生可免于参加新加坡剑桥普通教育证书(普通水准)(Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Examination(Ordinary Level),简称O水准)会考,在课程结束后可直接参加新加坡剑桥普通教育证书(高级水准)(Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level),简称A水准) 等相关文凭的考试。也称综合课程(Integrated Programme)。
A 6-year course covering the secondary school and junior college curricula, leading to certification examinations such as the Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) (GCE A-Level) examination. Students in the IP are not required to take the Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Examination (Ordinary Level) (GCE O-level) examination. Also known in Mandarin as “综合课程”.
- 2002 年,检讨初级学院和中学高年级教育委员会 (Junior College/ Upper Secondary Education Review Committee) 宣布推出直通车课程,让成绩属于全国首百分之十的学生可选择免于参加 O 水准会考,有更多时间培养求知欲、创造力、批判性思维和领导能力。时任教育部长的张志贤于 2002 年 12 月 30 日宣布此课程将于 2004 年推出。
- 2004 年有 7 所学校首次推出直通车课程,为华侨中学 (The Chinese High School)、南洋女子中学校 (Nanyang Girls’ High School)、莱佛士书院 (Raffles Institution)、莱佛士女子中学 (Raffles Girls’ School)、莱佛士初级学院 (Raffles Junior College)、英华中学(自主)(Anglo-ChineseSchool (Independent)) 和国家初级学院 (National Junior College)。其中,华侨中学和南洋女子中学校的初级学院伙伴是华中初级学院(华中初级学院于 2005 年和华侨中学合并,现称为华侨中学(高中部)),莱佛士书院和莱佛士女子中学的初级学院伙伴是莱佛士初级学院(现为莱佛士书院高中部)。
- 2005 年至 2012 年,另有 9 所学校陆续推出直通车课程,分别是维多利亚初级学院 (Victoria Junior College)、新加坡国立大学附属数理中学(NUS High School of Mathematics and Science)、淡马锡初级学院 (Temasek Junior College)、德明政府中学 (Dunman High School)、立化中学 (River Valley High School)、新加坡艺术学院 (School of the Arts, Singapore)、新加坡体育学校 (Singapore Sports School)、维多利亚学校 (Victoria School) 和四德女中 (Cedar Girls’ Secondary School)。其中,附属维多利亚初级学院的维多利亚学校和四德女中,是首对联办直通车课程的学校。
- 2013 年,又有 5 所学校推出直通车课程。它们是公教中学 (Catholic High School)、圣尼格拉女校 (CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’ School)、新加坡女子学校 (Singapore Chinese Girls’ School)、美以美女子中学 (Methodist Girls’ School) 和圣诺瑟书院 (St Joseph’s Institution)。其中,公教中学、圣尼格拉女校和新加坡女子学校联办的直通车课程,初级学院伙伴是诺雅初级学院 (Eunoia Junior College),美以美女子中学与英华自主中学联办国际中学毕业会考课程 (International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma)。
- 就读直通车课程的学生也可选择在中学的四年之间转回 O 水准课程。第五或第六年的学生也可以选择离开直通车课程,转而报读理工学院。
- 在推出直通车课程的学校当中,多数学校的学生在六年的课程结束之后会获取 A 水准文凭。以下学校的学生则不同:
- 英华自主中学、圣诺瑟书院、新加坡艺术学院和新加坡体育学校的学生,将获得国际中学毕业会考证书。
- 新加坡国立大学附属数理中学的学生,将获得国大附中文凭 (NUS High School Diploma)。
The Junior College/Upper Secondary Education Review Committee announced the launch of the Integrated Programme (IP) in 2002. The programme allowed students who scored in the top 10% of their cohort to proceed directly to junior college without taking the O-level examination, giving them more time to develop their intellectual curiosity, creativity, critical thinking and leadership skills. Then Minister of Education Teo Chee Hean announced on 30 December 2002 that the programme would be launched in 2004.
- The programme was first implemented in seven schools in 2004, namely The Chinese High School, Nanyang Girls' High School, Raffles Institution, Raffles Girls' School, Raffles Junior College, Anglo-Chinese School (Independent)(ACS(I)) and National Junior College. Among them, the partner junior college of Chinese High School and Nanyang Girls’ High School was Hwa Chong Junior College (which merged with The Chinese High School in 2005 to form the Hwa Chong Institution (High School Section)), while the partner junior college of Raffles Institution and Raffles Girls' High School was Raffles Junior College (now Raffles Institution (Secondary)).
- Between 2005 and 2012, the programme was expanded to another 9 schools, namely Victoria Junior College, NUS High School of Mathematics and Science, Temasek Junior College, Dunman High School, River Valley High School, School of the Arts (Singapore), Singapore Sports School, Victoria School and Cedar Girls' Secondary School. Victoria School (affiliated to Victoria Junior College) and Cedar Girls' Secondary School were the first schools to offer an Alliance Integrated Programme.
- In 2013, the IP was launched in another five schools: Catholic High School, CHIJ St Nicholas Girls' School, Singapore Chinese Girls' School, Methodist Girls' School and St Joseph's Institution. Catholic High School, St Nicholas Girls' School, and the Singapore Chinese Girls' School offered a Joint Integrated Programme (JIP) in partnership with Eunoia Junior College, while Methodist Girls' School and Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) jointly offered the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma.
- IP students can opt to switch back to O-level courses during their four years of secondary school, while those in their fifth or sixth year can also opt out of the IP and apply to polytechnics.
- Most IP students will obtain an A-level certificate after the six-year course, excluding students from the schools below:
- Students from Anglo-Chinese School (Independent), St. Joseph's Institution, School of the Arts (Singapore) and Singapore Sports School will receive the IB Diploma.
- Students at the National University of Singapore’s High School of Mathematics and Science will receive an NUS High School Diploma.
The Junior College/Upper Secondary Education Review Committee announced the launch of the 6-year-long Integrated Programme (IP) in 2002. The programme mainly allows students who are confident in their studies and who wish to pursue a university education, to proceed directly to junior college or high school without taking the Cambridge O-level examination. (Lianhe Zaobao, 27/3/2019)