Singaporean Mandarin Database
This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.
Group Representation Constituency (GRC)
Group Representation Constituency (GRC)
Photo courtesy of Elections Department Singapore
An electoral division represented by a team of candidates running for Parliament.
- 1988年,新加坡政府设立了集选区制度,将原本的三个单选区国会议席结合为一个集选区。根据该制度,参加集选区竞选的团队必须有至少一位马来族、印度族或其他少数族群的候选人。集选区制度的主要目的是确保属于少数种族的候选人也能参加国会议席的竞选。
- 集选区的成立意味着新加坡政治系统的重组,以集选区取代许多原来的单选区(Single Member Constituencies)。
- 自1996年起,集选区的最大议席人数已从原来的三或四个增加到六个。
- In 1988, the Singapore Government established the Group Representation Constituency (GRC) system, which combined three seats in Parliament to form a GRC. Under this system, the team of candidates contesting for the GRC must include at least one representative belonging to the Malay, Indian or other minority communities. The main purpose of the GRC system is to ensure that minority racial communities are represented in Parliament.
- The establishment of the GRC system brought about the restructuring of Singapore’s political system, with many original Single Member Constituencies (SMCs) being replaced by GRCs.
- Since 1996, the maximum size of a GRC is six members, an increase from the original cap of three members.
年轻部长人数增加,意味着六个集选区将有“双部长”坐镇。与此同时,三名资深部长卸任,也使一些集选区的领军部长“悬空”。(《联合晚报》, 25/4/2018)
An increase in the number of young ministers means that six GRCs will have two ministers. At the same time, the stepping down of three senior ministers has resulted in some GRCs having no ministers. (Lianhe Wanbao, 25/4/2018)