Singaporean Mandarin Database
This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.
Avalokiteśvara (colloquially known as guan yim ma)
Avalokiteśvara (colloquially known as guan yim ma)
The colloquial name of Avalokiteśvara (Guanyin) Bodhisattva.
- 观音信仰从印度传入中国,梵文佛经中称观音菩萨为 “阿缚卢枳帝湿伐逻(Avalokiteśvara)”。
- 有说法认为观音原本是位男性菩萨,但在传入中国后逐渐化身为女性菩萨。
- 在民间信仰中,女性形象的观音一般较常见,而观音也象征了慈悲,因此信众常尊称为 “观音妈”。
- 位于四马路(Waterloo Street)的观音堂佛祖庙(Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple),俗称 “四马路观音堂”,建于 1884 年,是本地较为著名的观音庙之一。该庙已被国家文物局(National Heritage Board)列为历史地标,是新加坡香火旺盛的庙宇之一。
- The worship of Guanyin was introduced into China from India, and Sanskrit Buddhist scriptures referred to Guanyin Bodhisattva as Avalokiteśvara.
- It is believed that Guanyin was originally depicted as a male Bodhisattva but gradually depicted as a female Bodhisattva after being introduced to China.
- In folk belief, the female form of Guanyin is generally more common. As Guanyin also symbolises compassion, worshippers often respectfully refer to her as the “观音妈” (literally Guanyin Mother).
- Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple at Waterloo Street, colloquially known as “四马路观音堂”, was built in 1884 and is one of the more famous Guanyin temples in Singapore. Listed as a historic site by the National Heritage Board, it is a local temple that is popular with worshippers.
犹记《小孩不笨 2》中,他在庙里做电脑解签,充当 "观音妈" 的代言人。(《联合早报》, 13/1/2008)
I recall that he used the computer to interpret the divine lots in the temple and acted as a spokesperson for the Goddess of Mercy in the movie I Not Stupid Too. (Lianhe Zaobao, 13/1/2008)