Singaporean Mandarin Database
This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.
Community Development Council (CDC)

Communities / Organisations
Community Development Council (CDC)

Communities / Organisations
The government agency that manages and leads community development. Abbreviated as “社理会” in Mandarin.
- 英语“Community Development Council”的意译。
- 1996年,时任新加坡总理吴作栋首次提出了设立社区发展理事会的想法。
- 设立社区发展理事会主要是为了关怀社区里的弱势群体、促进社区之间的联系及构建一个和谐的社会。因此,在经济、工作或学业方面遇到困难的居民都可以向社区发展理事会求助。
- 2001年,社区发展理事会从原先的九个重组成五个,分别为中区、西北、东北、东南及西南社区发展理事会。
- 各别社区发展理事会的首长称为市长(Mayor)。
- 目前,为居民申请经济援助计划的工作已由社区发展理事会转至社会及家庭发展部(Ministry of Social and Family Development)属下的社会服务中心(Social Service Offices)。
- The Mandarin term “社区发展理事会” is a paraphrase of the English term “Community Development Council”.
- In 1996, then Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong first mooted the idea of establishing Community Development Councils (CDCs).
- The CDC’s main purpose is to care for vulnerable groups in the community, foster connections between communities, and build a harmonious society. Residents who encounter difficulties in their
finances, work, or studies can seek help from the CDC.
- In 2001, the CDCs in Singapore were reorganised from the original nine to five, namely Central, North West, North East, South East, and South West CDCs.
- The heads of the respective councils are known as Mayors.
- Currently, the work of applying for financial assistance for residents has been transferred from the CDCs to the Social Service Offices under the Ministry of Social and Family Development.
截至今年9月,已有30万户家庭在社区发展理事会(Community Development Council,简称CDC)补助券计划下受益。(《联合早报》, 15/10/2020)
As of September this year, 300,000 households have benefited from the Community Development Council (CDC) Vouchers Scheme. (Lianhe Zaobao, 15/10/2020)
- 冠病疫情对本地低收入户、邻里商店业者及小贩造成了严重的冲击。为帮助他们渡过难关,社区发展理事会在2020至2021年共分发了总值新币四千万元的社理会生活补助券(CDC Vouchers)。
- 同年,社区发展理事会也与人民协会(People’s Association)和Grab共同推出社里会学生膳食计划(CDC Student Meals Scheme),以帮助来自贫困家庭的学生在阻断措施(circuit breaker)期间能够三餐温饱。
- 为配合2021年财政预算案(Budget 2021),社区发展理事会再次分发社理会生活补助券。此次的补助券总价值为新币一亿五千万元。
- COVID-19 severely impacted low-income households, neighbourhood shopowners and hawkers. To tide them through the difficult period, the CDCs distributed a total of S$40 million worth of CDC Vouchers from 2020 to 2021.
- In the same year, the CDCs, together with the People’s Association and Grab, launched the CDC Student Meals Scheme, to ensure that students from poor families could afford three meals daily during the circuit breaker period.
- As part of Budget 2021, the CDCs collaborated with the Government to distribute CDC vouchers totalling S$150 million.