Singaporean Mandarin Database

This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.



Build-To-Order (BTO) Scheme




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Build-To-Order (BTO) Scheme

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A mode of sale for flats that allows homebuyers to know the exact location, downpayment, and room type of Housing and Development Board (HDB) flats in advance.

  • 新加坡建屋发展局(Housing and Development Board)在 2001 年 4 月 15 日实行预购组屋制度,作为销售新组屋的概念。
  • 预购组屋制度的实行是为了取代登记购屋制度(Registration for Flat System)。后者于 1994 年 10 月1日实行,让购屋者能够申请未完全发展组屋区内的组屋。与预购组屋制度相比,登记购屋制度仅提供购屋者组屋大致的区域,主要划分为北区、东北区及西区,购屋者也无法掌握竣工时间、押金等讯息。
  • 在预购组屋制度下,当局只会在预订数额达到 70% 的情况下才开始兴建组屋,由此让当局可以更好地拿捏新组屋的所需数量。
  • 在预购组屋制度下,新组屋的平均等候时长是四到五年左右。这取决于个别项目的属性,例如:单位数量、设计、工地情况和限制等。
  • 申请预购组屋的条件包括:申请者必须是年满 35 岁的单身人士或年满 21 岁的未婚或已婚夫妇、寡妇、孤儿及单亲父母,而且必须符合公民身份,方可预先订购房子。
  • 2020 年,在婚姻和家庭成立率提高的情况下,预购组屋的需求增加了 70%,申请额也达到了 87,800 份。
  • 为了让首次申请的人士有更高的机率请到组屋,建屋局调整了优先制,为他们预留了更多的组屋单位。
  • Singapore’s HDB launched the Build-To-Order (BTO) Scheme on 15 April 2001 as a concept for selling new flats.
  • The BTO Scheme was implemented to replace the Registration for Flat System (RFS), which was implemented on 1 October 1994 and allowed homebuyers to apply for flats in HDB estates that were not fully developed. Compared with the BTO Scheme, the RFS only provided buyers with the general location of the flats, which were mainly divided into the North, Northeast and West regions. Other information such as completion time and downpayment were also unavailable.
  • Under the BTO Scheme, the HDB will only commence the construction of flats when applications reach 70%, enabling it to better gauge the number of new flats in demand.
  • Under the BTO Scheme, the average waiting time for a new flat is around four to five years, depending on the attributes of the individual projects, such as the number of units, design, site conditions and limitations.
  • Conditions for applying of a BTO flat include the following: Applicants must be unmarried or married couples, widows, orphans, and single parents, all of which have to be 21 years old and above. For applicants who are singles, they must be 35 years old and above. Applicants must also be Singapore citizens.
  • With the increase in marriages and families in 2020, the demand for BTO flats increased by 70%, with applications reaching 87,800.
  • To give first-time flat applicants a higher chance of success, HDB adjusted the priority system to reserve more units for them.
在现有预购组屋制度下,买家从申购到领取新屋钥匙的过程有可能须等上五六年。(《联合早报》, 11/10/2016)

Under the current Build-To-Order (BTO) Scheme, homebuyers are faced with waiting times of up to five or six years, from the point of application to the collection of keys. (Lianhe Zaobao, 11/10/2016)


  • 1990 年代,房屋市场繁荣,建屋局为了满足房屋需求便兴建了更多的公共组屋。但在 1997 年,因受到亚洲金融危机的影响,组屋需求大跌,导致建屋局花了超过五年的时间才把剩余的 31,000 组屋单位卖出。


  • During the property market boom of the 1990s, HDB built more flats to meet housing demands. However, in 1997, the Asian Financial Crisis caused the demand for flats to plummet, resulting in HDB taking more than five years to sell off the remaining 31,000 units.
