This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.
Food / Plants
1. 琼脂的俗称。由海藻提炼成的凝固剂,色泽白皙透明,可做成丝状、条状或粉末。也称“燕菜”。
2. 以菜燕做成的一种胶冻类甜品。
1. The colloquial Mandarin term for “琼脂” (agar). Extracted from seaweed, it is a white and translucent coagulant, and can be made into strands, strips, or powder. Also known in Chinese as “燕菜”.
2. A jelly dessert made using agar.
自7月20日起,烘焙用品专卖店奋发和 Redman 分行将以10元售价售卖菜燕材料包,里头包含五种菜燕预拌粉,其中一款正是哈莉玛总统的国庆红白菜燕和食谱,其中4元将捐给总统挑战。(《联合早报》,16/7/2020)
琼脂 (Mainland China), 石花胶 (Mainland China), 冻粉 (Mainland China), 洋粉 (Mainland China), 洋菜 (Taiwan), 大菜 (Hong Kong)
In the past, agar was also known in Chinese as “东洋菜”.
Click here to view references for agar-agar
shuǐ guǒ
mǎ tí sū
mó mó zhā zhā
wǔ xiāng xiā bǐng