Singaporean Mandarin Database
This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.
Advance Medical Directive
Advance Medical Directive
A pre-signed legal document stating that the doctor can cease to provide life support if the signer is terminally ill and has fallen into a coma.
- 英语“Advance Medical Directive”的意译。
- 预先医疗指示法令于1996年5月在国会发表通过。
- 凡是21岁以上,不患有精神疾病的人士,皆可自愿签署预先医疗指示。
- 签署预先医疗指示需完成三个步骤:
- 从各诊所或医院索取表格。公众人士如今也可从新加坡卫生部(Ministry of Health)的官方网站下载表格。
- 须要在两名见证人(其中一位必须是医生,另一位则须是21岁以上的人士)的陪同下进行预先医疗指示的签署。这两名见证人必须和签署者的死亡无任何利益关系。
- 将填妥的表格呈交给预先医疗指示注册处备案。
- The Mandarin term “预先医疗指示” is a paraphrase of the English term “Advance Medical Directive” (AMD).
- The Advance Medical Directive Act was promulgated and passed in Parliament in May 1996.
- Anyone above the age of 21 who is not suffering from mental illness can voluntarily sign an AMD.
- The three steps to be completed in the signing of an AMD are as follows:
- Obtain the form from a clinic or hospital. The public can also choose to download the form from the Ministry of Health’s official website.
- The signing of an AMD requires the presence of two witnesses (one must be a doctor and the other must be above 21 years old). The two witnesses must have no vested interest in the death of the signer.
- Submit the completed form to the Registrar of Advance Medical Directives for registering.
完善的遗产规划还应该包括做好预先医疗指示(Advance Medical Directive,简称AMD),以及授权可信任的人在你丧失认知能力时帮你做金钱上的决策。(《联合早报》,16/4/2017)
Sound estate planning should also include the preparation of Advance Medical Directive (AMD) and authorisation of a trusted person to help you make financial decisions when you lose cognitive ability. (Lianhe Zaobao, 16/4/2017)