Tamil Language Festival 2016

Tamil Language Festival 2016

The Tamil Language Council was formed in 2000 to promote the awareness and greater use of the Tamil language. It comprises representatives from the education sector, major community organisations, arts groups and the media.  

The Council spearheads the annual Tamil Language Festival which was started in 2007, supported each year by a growing list of partners. A key partner for the Festival is the Ministry of Education’s Tamil Language and Learning Promotion Committee (TLLPC). Set up in 2006, TLLPC’s strategic focus is to promote the speaking and learning of Tamil among students.    

This year, the Tamil Language Festival celebrates its 10th anniversary with a rich calendar of programmes from 2 to 30 April.  A second edition of the bilingual “Living Language, Living Heritage” notebook will also be produced once again in collaboration with the Umar Pulavar Tamil Language Centre,  featuring a new collection of Tamil language tips and snippets about the Tamil culture and heritage.   

Please click here to view all Tamil Language Festival 2016 Programmes.

Please click here to download the Tamil Language Festival 2016 Calendar of Events (in PDF format). 

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