Corporate Communications and Networking Skills


04 April 2015
1.30pm to 5.00pm

A corporate communications and networking skills workshop that aims to equip participants with soft skills and techniques of business etiquette, networking skills, mingling protocol and how to be a good conversationalist. The main objective is to create confidence in each individual to present themselves well within the business environment. Participants will learn ettiquette tips, such as the proper way of greeting, handshakes, name card exchange and body language which will enable one to bring a mixture of both the entrepreneurial spirit and corporate professionalism. It also prepares students and adults who are seeking jobs, on the Interview nuances and how to stand out from the rest. Stressing the importance of making an impactful first impression, grooming & hygiene tips will also be shared. An in-depth and quality session is assured. This programme is suitable for Secondary to tertiary students and adults of both gender. Admission is free but pre-registration is required.

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