For Adults

The Race to Grace

Sister Madonna Buder

Sister Madonna Buder is 80 years old, has run more than 340 triathlons and doesn’t know what all the fuss is about. In The Grace to Race, she shares the no-nonsense spirit and deep faith that inspired her extraordinary journey from a prominent St Louis family to a Catholic convent and finally to championship finish […]

The Wrong Word Dictionary

Dave Dowing

Do you need a ‘hangar’ or ‘hanger’ to hang your blouse? Is there a difference between ‘habitant’ and ‘inhabitant’? Is a person who is ‘famous’ more widely known than a person who is ‘infamous’? The English language is full of such confusing words. Some words look alike, some have similar meanings and some have the […]

Word Spy

Paul McFedries

Do these sound familiar to you – Google dating, SOHO and himbo? What do these words mean? The trouble is, you cannot find them in the dictionary! However, you can find them in this book. Word spy is a collection of new words that do not appear in general dictionaries but have a track record […]

Words You Thought You Knew

Jenna Glatzer

This is an excellent book to clear the doubts you have about grammar but never had the courage to clarify. You will find lucid explanations, arranged alphabetically, on some of the words and phrases that many people have difficulty using correctly. Do you use i.e. or e.g.? What is the difference between a Curriculum Vitae […]