Words You Thought You Knew

Words You Thought You Knew
Jenna Glatzer
Call Number
428.003 GLA

This is an excellent book to clear the doubts you have about grammar but never had the courage to clarify.

You will find lucid explanations, arranged alphabetically, on some of the words and phrases that many people have difficulty using correctly.

Do you use i.e. or e.g.? What is the difference between a Curriculum Vitae (CV) and a resume? Should the questions be:

“Can you forgo the cheesecake for the chocolate soufflé?” or “Will you rather forgo the cheesecake for the chocolate soufflé?”

What makes this book special is the way Glatzer explains and illustrates the use of each word. Her explanations are filled with personal anecdotes that make them easily understood.

Check if this title is available at Public Libraries via the online catalogue on the National Library Board’s website.

Recommended by Norlin Naim, NLB librarian.

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