Bulan Bahasa Committee Chairman:
Former Minister Sidek Saniff
Bahasa Menjunjung Budaya (Language Enriches Culture)
Bulan Bahasa was organised in conjunction with the Bulan Budaya Melayu (Malay Cultural Month) which was chaired by Mejar Ibrahim Bulat.
One of the many activities organised was a language camp participated by 300 primary school students.
Bulan Bahasa Committee Chairman:
Former Minister of State Sidek Saniff
Bahasa Menjunjung Budaya (Language Enriches Culture)
JBMS assumed the status of Majlis Bahasa Melayu Singapura (MBMS, or Malay Language Council, Singapore).
The People’s Association (PA) was invited to be a part of Bulan Bahasa’s organising committee to standardise the Malay language in Singapore.
Bulan Bahasa Committee Chairman:
Mr Mohamad Maidin Packer Mohd
Gunakan Bahasa Baku (Use Standard Malay)
Sebutan Baku (Standard Pronunciation) was implemented in primary schools.
Programmes, such as Seminar Sebutan Baku, were organised in line with the promotion of the policy implementation.
Bulan Bahasa Committee Chairman:
Mr Mohamad Maidin Packer Mohd
Jiwai Bahasa Baku (Internalising Standard Malay)
There was an expansion of programmes and activities to the grassroots level for Bulan Bahasa.
Sebutan Baku was implemented in secondary schools and junior colleges.
Bulan Bahasa Committee Chairman:
Mr Mohamad Maidin Packer Mohd
Jiwai Bahasa Baku (Internalising Standard Malay)
Programmes such as Malam Baca Puisi, were organized to make Malay poetry more accessible to the community.
Bulan Bahasa Committee Chairman:
Mr Mohamad Maidin Packer Mohd
Kecemerlangan Masyarakat Melayu Melalui Bahasa Melayu ke Alaf Baru (Community Excellence through Malay Language towards the New Century)
There were 40 Malay organisations and 12 Community Centres that collaborated with MBMS and the Bulan Bahasa Committee for Bulan Bahasa.
Events organised for Bulan Bahasa included an international language conference where more than 40 research papers were presented and Sayembara Drama, which encouraged the appreciation of theatre among students.
Bulan Bahasa Committee Chairman:
Former Senior Parliamentary Secretary Yatiman Yusof
Memasyarakatkan dan Menghayati Sastera Kita (To Popularise and Appreciate Our Literature)
There were 25 participating bodies involved in Bulan Bahasa.
Bulan Bahasa was organised together with the biennial Anugerah Persuratan (Malay Literary Award) for the first time.
Bulan Bahasa Committee Chairman:
Mr Harun Ghani
Memasyarakatkan Bahasa Melayu (Making Malay language accessible)
Bulan Bahasa 2000 reflected the Malay community’s aspiration to foray into the 21st century while conserving and developing the Malay culture through the Malay language.
Bulan Bahasa 2000 embraced the technological platform and the rising role of computers and the Internet to increase the engagement with the community.
Bulan Bahasa Committee Chairman:
Former Senior Parliamentary Secretary Hawazi Daipi
Keindahan Bahasa Melayu (The beauty of the Malay language)
There was an effort to attract and encourage the participation of non-Malays in the festival.
One of the events that took centre stage was a translation competition for students.
Bulan Bahasa Committee Chairman:
Former Senior Parliamentary Secretary Hawazi Daipi
Keterampilan Bahasa Melayu (Effective Use of the Malay Language)
More programmes targeted children and youths. There were collaborations with partners from local universities to organise programmes such as Kembara Ilmu (Learning Journey) by the Persatuan Bahasa Melayu Universiti Kebangsaan Singapura (PBMUKS or NUS Malay Language Society).
Bulan Bahasa Committee Chairman:
Former Senior Parliamentary Secretary Hawazi Daipi
Dinamiknya Bahasaku (My Language is Dynamic)
The theme focused on the dynamism of the Malay language in different sectors and as an effective tool of communication. There was a total of 27 organisations, MAEC and institutions involved in Bulan Bahasa.
Bulan Bahasa Committee Chairman:
Former Senior Parliamentary Secretary Hawazi Daipi
Sempurnakan Bahasa. Gunakan Sentiasa. (Let’s improve the Malay language and use it always)
Bulan Bahasa 2008 emphasised on the use of the Malay language in various professions, sectors and fields to develop and generate creativity.
For example, a fashion show was organised at the Malay Heritage Centre featuring a showcase of Malay traditional fashion
Bulan Bahasa Committee Chairman:
Former Senior Parliamentary Secretary Hawazi Daipi
Bahasa Kita, Gunakanlah (It’s our language, let’s use it)
Duta Bahasa:
Rahayu Mahzam, Taufik Batisah, Asmah Laili, Suhaimi Salleh, Zaza Majid, Dyn Norahim, Hisham Hashim and Riz Sunawan
Duta Bahasa (Language Ambassadors) initiative was introduced. Various personalities with diverse backgrounds were appointed as Language Ambassadors with objectives to increase and encourage the affinity of the Malay language with all age groups in the community.
Bulan Bahasa also became an annual celebration since 2010.
Bulan Bahasa Committee Chairman:
Former Senior Parliamentary Secretary Hawazi Daipi
Warisan Masa Depan (Our Future Heritage)
Duta Bahasa:
Khairuddin Saharom, Noshin Putri Adel and Dr Jazlan Joosoph
With a focus on early childhood, workshops for early childhood educators were organised. A recording of 25 Malay children songs was completed and made accessible via the MBMS website.
These songs included ‘Tanya Sama Pokok’, ‘Burung Kakatua’ and more.
The biennial Anugerah Persuratan (Malay Literary Award) was organised in conjunction with Bulan Bahasa.
Bulan Bahasa Committee Chairman:
Minister of State Zaqy Mohamad
Kukuhnya Nilai, Eloklah Budi Bahasa Kita (Strong values bring about good social etiquette)
Duta Bahasa:
Daud Yusof, Imran Ajmain and Munirah Jaafar
The focus was on the role of the Malay language as a window to cultural values. 65 organisations were involved for the festival that year.
A video "Saya Menggunakannya" was produced in conjunction with the celebration.
Bulan Bahasa Committee Chairman:
Minister of State Zaqy Mohamad
Ilmu, Budaya, Mesra (Knowledge, Culture and Relationships)
Duta Bahasa:
Aidli Alin Mosbit, Nurul Aini, Shahril Ishak and Zahidah Fadil

Bulan Bahasa 2013 was held from 7 Sept – 5 Oct. A new theme, Ilmu, Budaya, Mesra was introduced for the festival in efforts to develop the use of the Malay language. This theme invites us to use the Malay language as a means of acquiring and sharing Knowledge (Ilmu), of communicating and preserving Culture (Budaya), and of strengthening our social ties and Relationships (Mesra).
The Bulan Bahasa logo was refreshed.
Bulan Bahasa Committee Chairman:
Minister of State Zaqy Mohamad
Ilmu, Budaya and Mesra (Knowledge, Culture and Relationships)
Duta Bahasa:
Asnida Daud, Dr Elly Sabrina and Zaibaktian
Creative Identity:

Bulan Bahasa 2014 was held from 16 Aug – 30 Sep, spanning nearly 2 months. At least 65 organisations were involved in the festival. Heartland celebrations were introduced that year, in Jurong and Tampines.
Rakan Bahasa (Friends of the Language) initiative was introduced to cultivate and encourage students who excel in the Malay Language to spread the love of bahasa Melayu to their peers, friends and families. 74 students were appointed as Rakan Bahasa.
Bulan Bahasa Committee Chairman:
Minister of State Zaqy Mohamad
Ilmu, Budaya and Mesra (Knowledge, Culture and Relationships)
Duta Bahasa:
Chempaka Aizim, Datuk Ramli Sarip, Fiza O and Hairianto Diman
Creative Identity:

Bulan Bahasa 2015 was held from 28 Aug – 17 Oct. Bulan Bahasa was also celebrated in conjunction with SG50.
93 students were appointed as Rakan Bahasa.
There were 50 partnerships that year.
Bulan Bahasa Committee Chairman:
Mdm Rahayu Mahzam
Ilmu, Budaya and Mesra (Knowledge, Culture and Relationships)
Duta Bahasa:
Siti Khalijah, Megat Firdaus and Ustazah Nurul ‘Izzah
Creative Identity:

Bulan Bahasa 2016 took place from 15 Aug – 15 Oct.
A new creative identity for Bulan Bahasa introduced that year. The logo included elements of delicate threading of tekat embroidery which formed a decorative art that represented Bahasa Budaya, for all the values passed down from one generation to the next in the Malay community. These elements fused to express the woven ties of the Malay language as the cradle of community, preserving treasured aspects of Ilmu, Budaya, and Mesra.
118 students were appointed as Rakan Bahasa.
There were 51 partnerships that year.
Bulan Bahasa Committee Chairman:
Mdm Rahayu Mahzam
Ilmu, Budaya and Mesra (Knowledge, Culture and Relationships)
Duta Bahasa:
Jumaini Ariff, Ustaz Zahid Zin and Dzar Ismail
Creative Identity:

Bulan Bahasa 2017 was organised from 15 Aug – 15 Oct.
Bulan Bahasa 2017’s creative identity featured an original typography inspired by the traditional art of textile weaving, and a colour palette inspired by batik.
161 students were appointed as Rakan Bahasa.
There were 52 partnerships that year.
Bulan Bahasa Committee Chairman:
Mdm Rahayu Mahzam
Ilmu, Budaya and Mesra (Knowledge, Culture and Relationships)
Duta Bahasa:
Farhana M Noor, Bakti Khair and Shahrizal Salleh (Chef Bob)
Creative Identity:

Bulan Bahasa 2018 was organised from 18 Aug – 14 Oct.
MBMS also celebrated 30 years since Bulan Bahasa was organised in 1988. A commemorative video was produced that year.
298 students were appointed as Rakan Bahasa.
Two new initiatives were introduced for all Rakan Bahasa:
Pertandingan NewsMaker, jointly organized by TeeVers; and Kembara Rakan Bahasa (Rakan Bahasa Activity Cards).
There were 63 partnerships that year.
Bulan Bahasa Committee Chairman:
Mdm Rahayu Mahzam
Cita. Citra. Cinta. Bahasa Kita.
Duta Bahasa:
Aqmal Noor, Nabillah Jalal and Zhulkarnain Abdul Rahim
Creative Identity:

Bulan Bahasa 2019 was organised from 17 Aug – 13 Oct.
A new theme for Bulan Bahasa, ‘Cita. Citra. Cinta. Bahasa Kita.’ was introduced.
‘Cita. Citra. Cinta. Bahasa Kita.’ reflects the dynamism of the Malay language as we move towards a new era.
- ‘Cita’ encapsulates the aspiration of the community to maintain the relevance of the Malay language. ‘
- Citra’ underscores the diversity in the usage and adaptation of the language. It also represents the potential of the Malay language as a window to knowledge and a means of communication.
- ‘Cinta’ emphasises the need to cultivate the love and appreciation towards the Malay language.
302 students were appointed as Rakan Bahasa.
Penterjemah Pintar (translation competition) was introduced for Rakan Bahasa from primary schools.
Bulan Bahasa Committee Chairman:
Mdm Rahayu Mahzam
Cita. Citra. Cinta. Bahasa Kita.
Duta Bahasa:
Dr Nur Farhan Alami, Dr Norshahril Saat, Mr Sujimy Mohamad
Creative Identity:
Bulan Bahasa 2020 was organised from 15 Aug – 11 Oct.
For the first time, the Bulan Bahasa Official Launch Ceremony was televised on 5 September, on Mediacorp Suria. The broadcast has gained 73741 viewership.
In response to the unprecedented COVID19 pandemic, the digital programmes presented by Bulan Bahasa partners highlight the versatility of the Malay language.
There were 62 partnerships that year. 315 students were appointed as Rakan Bahasa, the highest number recorded. .
Bulan Bahasa Committee Chairman:
Mdm Rahayu Mahzam
Cita. Citra. Cinta. Bahasa Kita.
Duta Bahasa:
Dr Noramin Farid, Mr Hyrul Anuar, Mdm Marina Yusoff
Creative Identity:

Bulan Bahasa 2021 was organised from 14 Aug – 10 Oct.
In addition to the 5 icons of the Creative Identity (palari, mouse deer, lion, rocket and guitar), this year, the pen has been added as a sixth icon. This is hoped to highlight the importance of literature in promoting the language and to build a community of readers.
The Official Launch Ceremony will be broadcasted on 4 September 2021, at 8.30pm on Mediacorp Suria.
311 students were appointed as Rakan Bahasa.
Bulan Bahasa Committee Chairman:
Mdm Rahayu Mahzam
Cita. Citra. Cinta. Bahasa Kita.
Duta Bahasa:
Fir Rahman, Hans Hamid
Creative Identity:

Bulan Bahasa 2022 was organised from 13 Aug – 9 Oct.
The Official Launch Ceremony will be broadcasted on 3 September 2022, at 8.30pm on Mediacorp Suria.
353 students were appointed as Rakan Bahasa.
Bulan Bahasa Committee Chairman:
Mdm Rahayu Mahzam
Cita. Citra. Cinta. Bahasa Kita.
Duta Bahasa:
Ustaz Nuzhan Halim, Afi Hanafi, Nursha Ismail, Syafiqah 'Adha
Creative Identity:

Bulan Bahasa 2023 was organised from 13 Aug – 9 Oct.
The Official Launch Ceremony will be broadcasted on 2 September 2023, at 8.30pm on Mediacorp Suria.
368 students were appointed as Rakan Bahasa.