to hitch a ride (colloquially known as tumpang)
to hitch a ride (colloquially known as tumpang)
- To hitch a free ride.
- To share lodgings with another person.
- To entrust; to have someone pass an item to another person along the way.
- 音译自马来语 tumpang。Tumpang 原指堆积、堆叠。
- Tumpang 是马来语词汇中的词根,加上不同的词缀,意义与词性也会有所改变,例如:
- menumpang: 动词,指“借宿或搭便车”。
- menumpangi: 动词,指“借宿在”。
- menumpangkan: 动词,指“把……借宿/寄放在”或“让人搭便车”。
- tumpangan: 名词,指“捎带物”或“借宿地”。
- penumpang: 名词,指“借宿人、乘客、委托者”。
- penumpangan: 名词,指“借宿/搭便车这件事”。
- The Mandarin term “隆帮” is a transliteration of the Malay term tumpang, which means to stack, or accumulate.
- Tumpang is a root word in Malay. Its meaning and word class changes when used with different affixes. For example:
- menumpang: verb, meaning “to share lodgings, or hitch a ride”.
- menumpangi: verb, meaning “to share lodgings at”.
- menumpangkan: verb, meaning to “put… with/in the care of” or “to offer a ride”.
- tumpangan: noun, meaning “item to be passed along” or “location of temporary residence”.
- penumpang: noun, meaning “lodger”, “passenger” or “entrusted person”.
- penumpangan: noun, meaning “the matter of lodging or hitching a ride”.
- The abovementioned meanings were subsequently adopted into Mandarin usage in Singapore.
于是,我软硬兼施,一面吓他一面劝他,可他死都不承认有把屋子出租,常说那是他的朋友,来这里隆帮(搭住)几天,没有长期住。不过很奇怪,他家里一有陌生人来隆帮时,他就没有欠租。(《新明日报》, 25/3/2019)
I cajoled him with both the carrot and the stick, but he refused to admit that he had rented the place out. Instead, he insisted that his friend was just tumpang-ing (sharing lodgings) for a few days, and not on a long-term basis. Strangely enough, whenever he had strangers residing with him, he would always be able to pay his rent on time. (Shin Min Daily News, 25/3/2019)
- 在新加坡式英语(Singlish)中,也用“tumpang”来指借宿、委托别人代办事情、搭顺风车等。
- Tumpang is also used in Singlish with the same meanings of “to hitch a free ride”, “to share lodgings” and so on.