




Former Ford Factory




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Former Ford Factory

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坐落于新加坡武吉知马路上段(Upper Bukit Timah Road),以纪念二战时期的新加坡为主题的展览馆。



An exhibition hall located at Upper Bukit Timah Road, that commemorates Singapore during the World War II period.

  • 旧福特车厂原是福特汽车公司(Ford Motor Company)于东南亚设立的第一家组装厂。
  • 当时的福特汽车厂(Ford Motor Factory)于二战时期被日军占领。英军于福特汽车厂内签署降书,交接新加坡的管治权。
  • 1980 年 6 月,福特汽车厂停业关闭。丰隆集团(Hong Leong Group)于 1983 年将工厂购入后进行整修,命名为丰隆工业大楼(Hong Leong Industries Building)。
  • 1996 年, 新加坡新闻及艺术部(Ministry of Information and the Arts )及市区重建局(Urban Redevelopment Authority)与丰隆集团协商,将福特汽车厂保留为国家古迹。
  • 2006 年,新加坡国家文物局(National Heritage Board)将福特汽车厂翻修为新加坡二战展览馆,命名为旧福特车厂资鉴馆(Memories at Old Ford Factory),正式开放给公众参观。
  • 2017 年,旧福特车厂完成翻修,由新加坡国家档案馆(National Archives of Singapore)打造全新的展览。旧福特车厂也从“旧福特车厂资鉴馆”(Memories at Old Ford Factory)改名为: “昭南展览馆:战争与史迹,位于旧福特车厂的二战展览厅”(Syonan Gallery:War and Its Legacies, An Exhibition at Former Ford Factory),保留了 “旧福特车厂” 的称谓。
  • 新展览的内容围绕英军投降和日治的过程、日治的史迹和日治时期对新加坡的影响。国家档案馆积极地向大众收集日治时期的相关文物,包括历史口述语录及个人收藏品。
  • 为了避免激起一些民众对日治时期的惨痛回忆,当局现已将展馆名称改为“日据时期:战争与史迹”(Surviving the Japanese Occupation: War and its Legacies)。
  • The Former Ford Factory was the first assembly plant established by Ford Motor Company in Southeast Asia.
  • The Ford Motor Factory was occupied by the Japanese army during World War II. The British army signed the surrender document and handed over the governance of Singapore to the Japanese at the Ford Motor Factory.
  • In June 1980, the Ford Motor Factory was closed. Hong Leong Group purchased and renovated the factory in 1983, and named it Hong Leong Industries Building.
  • In 1996, the Ministry of Information and the Arts and the Urban Redevelopment Authority negotiated with the Hong Leong Group to preserve the Ford Motor Factory as a National Monument.
  • In 2006, the National Heritage Board renovated the Ford Motor Factory into a Singapore World War II exhibition hall and renamed it as Memories at Old Ford Factory, which was opened to public.
  • In 2017 the Former Ford Factory completed renovations by the National Archives of Singapore to create a brand new exhibition, and it was renamed from “Memories at Old Ford Factory” to “Syonan Gallery: War and Its Legacies, An Exhibition at the Former Ford Factory”. This retains the name “Former Ford Factory”.
  • The new exhibition centres around the surrender of the British army and the Japanese Occupation, the historical events during the Occupation and the impacts of the Occupation on Singapore. The National Archives of Singapore actively solicited historical items related to the Japanese Occupation from the public, including historical oral narratives and personal collections.
  • To avoid triggering painful memories of the Japanese Occupation, the authorities have since changed the exhibition’s name to “Surviving the Japanese Occupation: War and its Legacies”.
位于武吉知马路上段的旧福特车厂去年 2 月关闭进行翻新,并配合新加坡沦陷 75 周年于下周三(15 日)重新开幕,展出以本地二战时期为主题的新展览。(《联合早报》,10/2/2017)
The Former Ford Factory at Upper Bukit Timah Road was closed for renovation in February last year and will reopen next Wednesday (15 February) in conjunction with the 75th anniversary of the Fall of Singapore, with a new exhibition that focuses on Singapore during the World War II period. (Lianhe Zaobao, 10/2/2017)