Singaporean Mandarin Database
This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.
two similar things appearing together unexpectedly
two similar things appearing together unexpectedly
The occurrence of two similar events that should not have happened under usual circumstances. Also written in Mandarin as “闹双胞”.
- “闹双包” 源自中国传统剧目《双包案》。剧情是包公放粮回京途中遇到黑鼠精,黑鼠精变作包公的模样,后来真假包公在公堂上难以分辨。
- 《双包案》的剧情可追溯至明代经典名著《包公案——五鼠闹东京》中的第六回 ——《真假施俊争妻告状》。故事是五鼠精中的一鼠在府堂上变作包公,府堂上因此出现两个包公,真假难分。
- 另一种写法,即 “闹双胞” 的用法则联想自 “双胞胎”。
- The term “闹双包” originated from the traditional Chinese opera The Case Of Double Justice Bao. In the plot, on Justice Bao’s journey back to the capital after distributing food relief, he met a black rat spirit that transformed itself into Justice Bao’s appearance. This made it impossible to distinguish between the actual and counterfeit Justice Bao at the magistrate court later.
- The plot of The Case Of Double Justice Bao can be traced to Chapter Six, The Lawsuit In The Dispute Over The Wife By The Real And The Fake Shi Jun, of the classic book entitled The Cases of Justice Bao: Troublemaking By The Five Rats in Kaifeng. This is the story of the first rat among the five rat spirits, which transformed itself into Justice Bao and resulted in two Justice Baos who were indistinguishable at the magistrate court.
- The term can also be written as “闹双胞”, which is associated with the word “双胞胎” (twins).
一名 27 岁的女商人,声称预付了 1 万 4000 元的租金给男经纪,却发现租屋合约闹双胞,钱给了却没房子住,男经纪则闹失踪。(《联合晚报》,10/11/2008)
A 27-year-old businesswoman claimed to have paid an advance rent of $14,000 to the male agent but found that the house was double-rented. Although she had paid the money, she could not live in the house and the male agent had also gone missing. (Lianhe Wanbao, 10/11/2008)