Singaporean Mandarin Database
This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.
Singapore Discovery Centre
Singapore Discovery Centre
由新加坡国防部(Ministry of Defence)建造的高科技综合性展览馆。
A high-tech integrated exhibition centre set up by the Ministry of Defence.
- 新加坡知新馆的名称取自成语“温故知新”之意,也有“知道与发觉新加坡”的含义。
- 新加坡知新馆位于新加坡武装部队训练学院(Singapore Armed Forces Training Institute [SAFTI] Military Institute)内,占地10,000平方公尺,于1996年十一月开放给公众参观。
- 馆内设有两个永久展品画廊(Permanent Exhibits Galleries)、黑湖设施密室逃脱(Black Lake Facility)、黑湖激光战室(Black Lake Laser Battlefield)及XD剧院等部分。
- 馆内的iWERKS影像馆能容纳344人,其荧幕约五层楼高,是新加坡目前最大的平面电影荧幕。
- The words “知新” are inspired by the Chinese idiom “温故知新” (“to learn new things by reviewing the old”), and can also be interpreted as “knowing and discovering Singapore”.
- The Singapore Discovery Centre is located on the grounds of the Singapore Armed Forces Training Institute (SAFTI) Military Institute. It covers an area of 10,000 square metres and was opened to the public in November 1996.
- The centre comprises various attractions such as two Permanent Exhibits Galleries, the Black Lake Facility escape rooms, the Black Lake Laser Battlefield, and XD Theatre.
- The 344-seat iWERKS Theatre features a five-storey-high screen, the largest flat screen in Singapore.
从观看升旗仪式到齐唱国歌,从参观新加坡知新馆到参与“寻宝游戏”,从欣赏爱国电影到合唱爱国歌曲,师生们都乐在其中。(《联合早报》, 17/8/2016)
Whether they were watching the flag-raising ceremony and singing the national anthem in unison, visiting the Singapore Discovery Centre and participating in the treasure hunt, or watching patriotic movies and singing patriotic songs, all the students and teachers enjoyed the activities immensely. (Lianhe Zaobao, 17/8/2016)