Singaporean Mandarin Database
This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.
National Courtesy Campaign
National Courtesy Campaign
A campaign aimed at creating a courteous social environment where Singaporeans are thoughtful and considerate of each other's needs.
- 英语 “National Courtesy Campaign” 的意译。
- 礼貌运动最初于 1978 年由新加坡旅游促进局(Singapore Tourist Promotion Board)推广,主要是希望国人对旅客更加有礼貌和友善。
- 然而,时任总理李光耀觉得应该鼓励新加坡人对所有人更友善和有礼,因此便于1979 年 6 月 1 日发起了全国礼貌运动。
- 礼貌运动的目的是为了 “创造一个愉悦的社会环境,让新加坡人相互体谅,考虑彼此的需要”。
- 1982 年,新加坡礼貌运动采用礼貌狮子新雅(Singa The Courtesy Lion)作为官方吉祥物,取代了 “Smilely” 标志。新雅在八十年代和九十年代成为新加坡最知名的吉祥物之一,设计师甚至在 1987 年为新雅增加了一个女性伴侣和三只小幼崽。
- 2001 年 3 月 1 日,新加坡礼貌运动正式归入新加坡行善运动(Singapore Kindness Movement)。
- The Mandarin term “新加坡礼貌运动” is a paraphrase of the English word “National Courtesy Campaign”.
- The campaign was first promoted by the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board in 1978 with the aim of encouraging Singaporeans to be more polite and friendly towards tourists.
- However, then Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew felt that courtesy should be shown to everyone and not just tourists. As such, the campaign was rebranded and later launched on 1 June 1979.
- The Courtesy Campaign aims “to create a pleasant social environment, with Singaporeans considerate to each other and thoughtful of each other's needs”.
- Singa The Courtesy Lion was appointed as the campaign’s official mascot in 1982, replacing the initial Smilely symbol. Singa was one of Singapore’s most well-known mascot figures during the 1980s and 1990s. Its creator later added a female partner and three young cubs in addition to Singa in 1987.
- The National Courtesy Campaign officially became part of the Singapore Kindness Movement on 1 March 2001.
当初在 1982 年构想出新雅这个吉祥物时,新加坡礼貌运动是使用祥和以及友善的卡通人物的开拓者之一,与以往以口号率领的政府倡议大有不同。(《联合早报》,5/6/2019)
During the conceptualisation of the Singa mascot in 1982, the National Courtesy Campaign became one of the first to adopt an approachable and friendly cartoon character as its mascot figure, a move that deviated significantly from the previous official campaign movements that use slogans. (Lianhe Zaobao, 5/6/2019)