Singaporean Mandarin Database
This database contains a collection of Mandarin terms which have cultural, historical or sentimental value unique to Singapore. These terms may be used by Singaporeans in the past or at present. Some of the terms are read in print while others are used in our everyday conversations.
Main Upgrading Programme
A programme to refurbish public housing flats that are over 20 years old.
- 英语 “main upgrading programme” 的意译。
- 1989 年,政府宣布将在未来的 15 至 20 年里实行主要翻新计划。屋龄超过20年的政府组屋都将被纳入计划中。
- 计划的目的是为了让国人能有更舒适的居住环境,也通过整修旧组屋的外观让组屋焕然一新。
- 为推行此计划,政府从国家预算盈余中预留了 150 亿元作为项目资金。
- 高达九成的装修费用将由政府与市镇理事会承担,而居民只需支付剩余的少许费用。
- 主要翻新计划的实施为投票制,项目只有在得到每座组屋至少 75% 居民的同意下才能进行。
- 在计划下,所有被选中的旧组屋将获得内部与外部的整修。
- 内部的翻新工作包括更换或增添卫浴设备;外观的翻修工作则包括改善走廊的外观、增设多层停车场和儿童游乐场等公共设施。
- The Mandarin term “主要翻新计划” is a paraphrase of the English term “Main Upgrading Programme”.
- In 1989, the government announced that the Main Upgrading Programme would be implemented over the next 15 to 20 years. All public housing flats built over 20 years ago would be included in this programme.
- The programme aimed to provide a more comfortable living environment for Singaporeans and to rejuvenate the exterior of old public housing flats through upgrading works.
- To implement this programme, the government set aside $15 billion as project funds from its budget surplus.
- Up to 90% of the upgrading costs would be borne by the government and town councils, while residents were only required to pay the remaining small fee.
- The Main Upgrading Programme would be implemented on a ballot basis, requiring consensus from at least 75% of the residents in each block to proceed.
- Under this programme, all selected flats would undergo both interior and exterior renovation works.
- The interior renovation works include replacing or adding toilet facilities, while the exterior renovation works include improving the aesthetics of common corridors and adding public facilities such as multi-storey car parks and children’s playgrounds.
政府于 2007 年推出家居改进计划,旨在为建于 1986 年或更早,但尚未加入主要翻新计划(Main Upgrading Programme)的组屋做内部翻修。(《联合早报》,21/12/2019)
The government launched the Home Improvement Programme in 2007 to renovate the interior of public housing flats that were built in or before 1986 but have yet to be included in the Main Upgrading Programme. (Lianhe Zaobao, 21/12/2019)